Sunday, December 5, 2010

SMS_S60 v1.1b for 5th Edition or later

When I tried the emulator for the first time on newer Symbian phones (such as 5th edition) I was really disappointed to see how crappily games were running compared to 3rd edition.
But now I've tried again with the recently added frame skipping method and, to my surprise, it works really great! Even heavy games run at pretty decent speed!

The only condition to make it work is to have a (usually sliding) keyboard on the phone.

Some extra features added on v1.1b for 5th edition or later:
  • Added two new screen orientation modes: "rotate none" and "rotate full"
Some tips and help specifically for this version:
  • Before loading any game, you must open out the keyboard (the screen will change its orientation), and you should've set either the "rotate none" or "rotate full" orientation method (Config. Screen menu).
  • Despite you can choose to enable or disable "Skip Frames", disabling it will make emulation run really slow, so it should (on most phones) be always enabled.
  • Because the latest devices have kind of high screen resolution, it is better to set "Keep Aspect Ratio" to disabled. Doing so ensures the emulator will use as much screen as possible.
Download v1.1b for 5th edition or later:
SMS_S60_v1.1b (5th edition).sisx

Sunday, November 28, 2010

SMS_S60 v1.1b for 3rd Edition

Changes introduced in v1.1b:
  • Reworked the frame skipping method. Now it is a little faster.
This affects games such as Sonic Chaos, that were running with some trouble.
The change doesn't affect emulation unless "Skip Frames" is enabled.

Download v1.1b:
SMS_S60_v1.1b (3rd edition).sisx

Open C library is required too:

Saturday, November 27, 2010

SMS_S60 v1.1 for 3rd Edition

Changes introduced in v1.1:
  • Fixed emulation speed. It was too fast compared with what it should be.
  • Added "frame skipping" feature, accessible from the "Config. Screen" menu.
"Skip Frames" will be enabled by default, as it is the best choice for most games.
Frame skipping has too advantages:
  1. It allows games to run smoother as it stresses less the device by avoiding rendering some frames.
  2. It makes the screen to be refreshed less often, thus, synchronizing every frame better.
However it has a main downside: blinking stuff will seem to disappear sometimes, or blink more irregularly because some frames are not being drawn to the screen.

Download v1.1:
SMS_S60_v1.1 (3rd edition).sisx

Open C library is required too:

Sunday, November 21, 2010

SMS_S60 v1.0 for 3rd Edition devices

This is the first release of SMS_S60, and should be working fine on Symbian 3rd Edition devices.
I have only tested it on my Nokia N81 so I'd really appreciate if someone else writes a comment here saying if it works or not on their (3rd Edition) devices too.

List of features in v1.0:
  • Game file formats supported: ".sms" and ".zip"
  • Two full screen orientation modes to choose: rotate left and right.
  • Save / Load game state function.
  • Emulation Stop / Reanudate function by pressing the Cancel / Backspace / Delete key.
  • No sound emulation yet :(
You can find rom game files on many websites just by using Google, for example Romnation. Remember you should own the original game cartridges to legally play these roms.
Before loading any game you must configure the in-game keys from the "Config. Keys" menu option. You cannot set "Cancel" key to be used as a pad key since it is needed to stop / reanudate the running game. Your keys as well as your screen preferences are saved after you have configured them.

Once you select "Load Game" from the menu, you'll be prompted to browse your directory tree, starting with the detected drives on your phone. Tipically "C:\" corresponds to phone memory, and "E:\" is your memory card. Most of the time you should be browsing just those drive letters (despite there will appear more).

A good practice would be to make a "roms" directory in your memory card and put all roms there, then you just need to select "E:\" -> "roms" and finally select the game you want to play (remember it must end with ".sms" or ".zip").

Saved games and saved states will be placed at the same directory as the loaded game, so in this example, every saved state would be placed at "E:\roms". If you delete these ".sav" or ".state" files, you loose your saved progress for that game.

If you like to compress your games with zip, the game file you are about to compress needs to end with ".sms" too. Of course, after compressing, the new resulting file will end with ".zip".

Download v1.0:
SMS_S60_v1.0 (3rd edition).sisx

Open C library is required too: